Meet the Creator and Founder

Meet the Founder

Maker and Founder

Hello there! I'm Tasia, the heart and hands behind Three Sixteen Studio. Pull up a chair, and let me share a bit of my story with you.

First things first – I absolutely adore my handmade business. Every carefully crafted item is a labor of love. What started as a hobby, creating Christian home decor and baby nursery products, blossomed into a side hustle and then, in 2021, grew into my full-time calling. I'm continually in awe of what God is doing through this little business of mine. You can still find my handmade creations in my Etsy shop, where each item is infused with faith and crafted with care.

But God had even bigger plans. As my business grew, I realized He was using my journey to inspire and guide other women. That's when Three Sixteen Studio expanded beyond handmade goods. Here on this website, I share tips, resources, and my experiences as an entrepreneur, all through the lens of faith.

You see, I've been where you are. I know the late nights, the self-doubt, the exhilarating highs, and the challenging lows of starting and growing a business. I understand the unique challenges that come with being a Christian woman in the business world, trying to honor your faith while pursuing your dreams.

That's why I want you to consider me your online mentor – a friend who's a few steps ahead on the path, reaching back to offer a helping hand and a word of encouragement. Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur, a content creator, a coach, or a small business owner, I'm here to support you.

My mission? To create a space where women like you can freely express both your faith in Jesus Christ and your entrepreneurial spirit. A place where "business talk" and "faith talk" aren't separate conversations, but one beautiful, integrated journey.

Through our done-for-you products, blog posts, and podcast episodes, I'm sharing everything I've learned (and am still learning!) about starting, growing, and scaling a faith-based business. From practical tips to spiritual encouragement, consider this your one-stop shop for Christian business motivation.

Remember, sweet friend, that business you're dreaming of? It's not just a dream – it's a calling. And I'm here to help you answer that call with confidence, creativity, and unwavering faith.

So, are you ready to embark on this entrepreneurial journey, with God as your CEO and your faith as your foundation? Then you're in the right place. Let's grow together, support each other, and watch in awe as God works through our businesses in ways we never imagined.

With faith, hope, and a whole lot of entrepreneurial spirit,

Dr. Tasia